
2024年5月19日—Helloeveryone,IamsearchingfortheofficialMobileSubstraterepo.Ialwaysused ...,BringiOS11stylescreenshottingtoiOS9and10devices.iosobjective-cjailbreaktheoslogoscydia-tweakmobilesubstrate.UpdatedonMar16,2019;Logos ...,2018年2月28日—IhaverecentlyinstalledtheelectrajailbreakIhavefixedtheissuewithAPTbyupgradingtoelectra1.0.2.Theissueisth...

What is the official Mobile Substrate Repo?

2024年5月19日 — Hello everyone, I am searching for the official Mobile Substrate repo. I always used but I only ...

mobilesubstrate · GitHub Topics

Bring iOS 11 style screenshotting to iOS 9 and 10 devices. ios objective-c jailbreak theos logos cydia-tweak mobilesubstrate. Updated on Mar 16, 2019; Logos ...

[Question] problems installing mobilesubstrate ios 11

2018年2月28日 — I have recently installed the electra jailbreak I have fixed the issue with APT by upgrading to electra 1.0.2. The issue is that I am unable ...

Cydia Substrate

Cydia Substrate (formerly Mobile Substrate, commonly shortened to Substrate) was a platform that made it easier to develop third-party addons for iOS.


powerful code insertion platform • Package: Cydia Substrate • mobilesubstrate • Bingner/Elucubratus • Cydia iOS Repository Updates for Jailbroken i...

How to Make Cydia Purchases on iOS 11?

This is a MobileSubstrate tweak that hooks the web requests from Cydia to spoof your device. It is completely safe and does not modify system files. He made a ...

MobileLoader - 逆向

2018年7月1日 — ... MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ ;coolstar的Electra越狱的iOS 11 /bootstrap/Library/SBInject 对应之前的系统的路径DynamicLibraries)下的动态 ...

Mobile Substrate

Saurik revealed a couple of weeks ago that he was working on iOS 11 support for Cydia and Mobile Substrate, but a new comment posted on Reddit by the father of ...